Sabana works as an operator in the Jal Jeevan Kendra of Gowndarpalayam, Tamil Nadu. She is a single parent of a 5 years old child and stays with her mother. Even though she is differently-abled, she completed her Master's in Business Administration. Survival was a struggle ever since her husband left. She wanted to take up a job to become financially independent to support her child.
Her happiness knew no bounds as she got through for an operator’s job for the purification unit. This job gave her the courage to shoulder her responsibility confidently. Sabana feels dignified for the respect she gets from her community for serving safe water to them.
Sabana(26),Operator,Gowndarpalayam,Tamil Nadu
She excitedly speaks, “I am learning new things, feel part of the larger group and most importantly I regained my confidence ”. Drawing her strength from her child, she is full of hope and wants to set an example for other women in her village. At the end of the day, being paid for acquiring skills and contributing to a noble cause makes her contended and motivates her to urge her community members to adopt safer habits and stay healthy.