Bimalpura is a large village in Jaipur district of Rajasthan, having a population of 2,018 and 297 houses in total. The majority of their livelihood comes from farming and labour work. The main challenges that the village face is the unavailability of safe drinking water. The facility of borewell water has 1460 TDS. (Source: Baseline Report)
Aligning with the issue faced by the community, baseline research was conducted by the Impact Assessment team of Sarvajal. It shows that all the surveyed households were highly dissatisfied with the quality of drinking water and 94% face difficulty in access and availability.
Thusly to resolve the challenge of the community, Standard chartered’s CSR initiative synergised with Piramal Sarvajal, a social enterprise working specifically towards safe, accessible and affordable drinking water by leveraging technology. The Bank adopted Sarmaliya and through its implementing partner Sarvajal, installed a water purification unit on 25 May 2018
Till now, Standard Chartered has adopted 22 villages by setting up community-level purification plants with Water ATM.
After the Installation, Piramal Sarvajal’s team engages with the community every month to spread awareness about health and water linkages. They appreciate the price at which it is made available to everyone and have eased from the previous challenge of the lack of accessibility. Out of 297, 167 households moved to safe drinking water practices because of overall improvement in their quality of life.
Door Delivery helps women to take charge in decision-making for water
It’s been three months since I’ve started taking water from Sarvajal Home delivery service. The taste is good and I could feel relief in my stomach.”- Mohini Ji
“The services of Sarvajal are good. I am amazed with the price of water which is available at only 10 Rs per camper.” - Seeta Devi Ji
“In my village, borewell water has fluoride contamination and feels salty in taste. It is been 8 months since I am taking Sarvajal water which is high in quality.”- Chigna Devi
Pride of providing first access to safe water
“I am glad that I got the opportunity to provide quality water at the doorstep of my villagers. It gives me a feeling of pride that people are happy and satisfied with the services of Sarvajal” -Shravan Kumar Yadav, Operator
(Sarvajal Enterprise Management System) SEMS showing the daily pattern of data ranging between 700-1200 of litre dispense during summer season